The first start


At each startup the Myst-Explorers Toolkit is looking for installations of Uru and Myst IV on your system. Depending on which games you have installed on your computer some of the tabs on the ME Toolkits window get activated or deactivated. If the ME Toolkit detects an Uru Install for the first time, it will show up a dialog window to ask you what kind of Uru install this is.

This step has been added for users who play Uru online as Untìl Uru or H'Uru as well, that needs different installs than the local game. As the system and the ME Toolkit only is able to „see“ the last installed version, it has to be determined what kind of install it is and if there are further installs on the computer.

Let's have a look at the three most common cases.

Case 1: Normal Uru Installation

If you only have the normal version of Uru installed (no matter if patched or not, with Add-Ons or as Complete Chronicles) that suits for offline playing, then choose the entry „Uru - Ages Beyond Myst“ and don't tick the hook saying there are further Uru installs. Choose „Next“ and you are now able to directly use the ME Toolkit.

Case 2: Uru installation transformed into Untìl Uru

If you transformed an „Uru - Ages Beyond Myst“ installation into an Untìl Uru installation by use of one of the UU patches, what means you now are only able to play online, then choose the entry „Untìl Uru (Plasma)“ and don't tick the hook saying there are further Uru installs. Choose „Next“ and you are now able to directly use the ME Toolkit.

Case 3: Several Uru installs

If you have several versions of Uru installed parallel on your system, check the path the ME Toolkit has found and choose the Uru version that belongs to this path. Also tick the hook saying that there are further installs on your system. If you now choose „Next“ you will get to the configuration step where you can manually add the paths to your additional Uru installs. Please read also the belonging article Configuration.